Frequently Asked Questions about Nano SRT in Santa Clarita

Find the answers below to the most frequently asked questions about chiropractors in Santa Clarita. Having the answers to these key questions can help you choose the right Santa Clarita chiropractor for you. If you don't see the answer below to a question you have, reach out to Ekegren Chiropractic at (661) 254-9400 and our team can help!
What types of health care practitioners use the Nano SRT Wellness System?
Is the Nano SRT Wellness System safe for both the doctor and patient?
Does insurance cover assessment and therapy?
What does a typical full course of therapy cost?
How many Visits are needed?
How long is a typical appointment?
When do patients notice improvement?
Are there any side effects?
Is this therapy and specifically the Nano SRT Wellness System safe for children?
What substances can the Nano SRT Wellness System identify as stressors?
I have heard of other devices using frequencies or “digital signals” to assess allergies. How does the Nano SRT Wellness System compare to them?
What does the Nano SRT Wellness System treat?
What is the Nano SRT Focus Therapy Tool?
How can it help everyone?
10:00am - 1:30pm
3:00pm - 7:00pm
New Patient Exams
10:00am - 1:30pm
3:00pm - 7:00pm
10:00am - 1:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
New Patient Exams
By Appointment Only
Ekengren Chiropractic
28212 Kelly Johnson Pkwy Suite 120
Valencia, CA 91355