Frequently Asked Questions in Valencia CA

How does chiropractic help?
I didn’t hear a sound. Does that mean the adjustment didn’t work?
Does insurance cover chiropractic?
Can’t I just adjust myself?
How safe is chiropractic?
Is chiropractic safe while I’m pregnant?
Is chiropractic addicting?
Should I get my child(ren) adjusted?
So what is an adjustment?
What can I expect from chiropractic care?
How much schooling and training does a chiropractor have?
Can I get adjusted if I have had back surgery?
How frequently should I get adjusted?
Does everyone receive the same adjustment?
When will I start to get better?
Is it really necessary to come back this often?
10:00am - 1:30pm
3:00pm - 7:00pm
New Patient Exams
10:00am - 1:30pm
3:00pm - 7:00pm
10:00am - 1:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
New Patient Exams
By Appointment Only
Ekengren Chiropractic
28212 Kelly Johnson Pkwy Suite 120
Valencia, CA 91355